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Be healthy, Be happy!

As moms we tend to think we are Superwoman and can do it all! But don't forget you need some time for yourself. Eating healthy is difficult when your toddler didn't finish their mac n' cheese and you don't want to "just throw it away". So I have been trying to be healthy and put myself first, because if I get sick or don't have energy it effects everyone! So I started daily walks with Sydney and replacing one meal a day with a "Green smoothie" (see pinterest board for recipes). I need some music to motivate me when I am walking/running/dancing so here is my list. iTunes no longer has public music lists. Below are the names of the songs and artist.

I did't have the time to type all the songs, so I just took a screenshot of my iTunes playlist.
When I get time I will type the whole list :)


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